Tuesday, March 29, 2022

This is Fine...


 Me right now

We are down to the wire now. The editing phase of the project is almost done, it is due next Monday. In addition, we have to put together a Creative Critical Reflection. This means ANOTHER VIDEO TO EDIT, YAY! 

Last finishing touches in regards to audio tracks, sound effects, dialogue, etc are due. I anticipate going slightly over the two-minute mark.

But onto the CCR. I'm excited to do it because we were instructed to have fun with it. I would say I'm a "meme connoisseur," so I can't wait to make my CCR entertaining as well as complete the requirements associated with this task.

This is Fine image

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Music Choice

I've finally made a decision on what music to put in the film opening. Right now, I want to use "Decisions" by Kevin MacLeod from the Youtube Audio Library and "In 3" by Godmode, also from the Youtube Audio Library. 

I'm want to loop the first four seconds of "In 3" at the beginning of the opening. I think it fits the scene well as well as provides some sound to a rather quiet situation. As for "Decisions," I want to use the song when the scene changes to the protagonist's house because as the song's name suggests, a decision is being made. I'm quite happy with my music choices I think they will implement well in the project.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Editing Update

 Hello again. I'm back with another editing update. I've finished splicing the clips together and now is the sound editing and fine-tuning phase. I believe I am on track to finish editing the opening by Monday or Tuesday. 

I still need to decide on what background music to play so that decision will likely come tomorrow or Monday. See you later.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What Has Been Edited So Far?

As I mentioned last week, I began editing my film opening yesterday and I have been working on it today. I have about 30 seconds of the finished project edited but I would say the pace is slow because I still haven't reached a decision on what music to play and I am doing an internship all of this week during the day, therefore, I can only work on this at night. 

I hope to finish editing this by the end of next week so I can have from then until April 4 to focus 100% on the Creative Critical Reflection.


Saturday, March 19, 2022

That's A Wrap!

Yesterday, I went back to the set to finish filming there and wrapped up the at-home scenes. Filming is 90% done. Just need to record audio pieces. 

At sunset, I went back to the office to film shots 1-6 as I had not done it previously when I was there with Santiago. This shoot went relatively quickly as it was just me and there were only a few shots to take. After that, I went back home and waited for nightfall to film the at-home scenes.

Around 8 o'clock, I began filming the at-home scenes. This shoot took way longer than expected as I had some trouble figuring out to get the lighting right as well as having my whole face visible over the briefcase. I finished filming around 9:30 and I feel very confident in how this is going to turn out.

The next step will be recording audio and scouting for sound effects and music.

Next week, I plan to edit my project so I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Plans for Filming Day 2

Hello again. This week is the last week before Spring Break so I would like to finish filming this Friday (no school) at the office and my house so I can have the entirety of Spring Break to edit my project. 

On Friday, I plan to go back and film the rest of my scenes in the office around 5-6 PM so the time of day matches the other scenes we've previously filmed. After the office, I will go home and start filming in my kitchen when its pitch-black outside so the only light is the indoor one. I'm only missing shots 1-5 and 24-42. Shots 1-5 are at the office and I may redo #6. Shots 24-42 are all going to be done at my house. I'm really happy with the pace I'm working at. By the end of this week, I will have all the footage I need to begin editing the project and I have Spring Break and the week after it to finish editing and create my critical reflection. I think my project is looking great so far and I can't wait to see the finished product!

Monday, March 14, 2022

In-Class Group Meeting

Today, we met in class for group meetings. We were to meet with other students and give feedback and suggestions on other's projects. Here's how it went.

totally real image of us meeting in class

I had three major things to ask about: lighting techniques, song choice, and editing software. For editing software, I was stuck between Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve because I had experience with Adobe but DaVinci was free. But someone brought up that our teacher had a link on Canvas to a free 6-month trial for Adobe Premiere. With this new information, I decided to go with Adobe Premiere.

For the song choice, I wasn't sure what I wanted for the scenes before the elevator. They recommended that I start editing the scene and then see what kind of music would fit if any. They also said that the elevator scenes should have stereotypical elevator music underlying the scene. 

The last feedback they gave me was for the at home scenes. I want the protagonist to sit at the kitchen table with the chandelier light above him kind of spotlighting him in the dark. They suggested that I experiment with towels and blankets to manipulate shadows and light. 

I think this feedback was very constructive and I will try to implement their ideas into my production.

UN Security Council Image

Saturday, March 12, 2022

First Day of Filming

 Yesterday, I began filming my project called Debriefed. I was filming at the office building with Santiago (briefcase guy) for about an hour and a half. We filmed shots 6-23 as we felt they could be shot quickly and easily with Santiago.

Setbacks: Since we were filming in a public office, there were people using the elevators to come and go. A couple of times we had to reshoot scenes because someone called the elevator and needed to use it. While it didn't significantly hinder the process, it certainly made filming a bit slower. 

Elevator Filming: Since we were mostly filming in an elevator, it was pretty tight getting the two-shots. We had the camera set up on a tripod right in front of the door and it filmed us in the back of the elevator. We had to hope no one called the elevator because the doors would open and light from the hallways would reflect off the back of the elevator. It was a little tedious and required a few attempts to get it right.

All in all, I believe I got all the footage I needed with Santiago and I will be returning to the set again next week to film my scenes.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Actor Contract Has Been Reached!

This is big. ALMOST THIS BIG. I have finally secured an actor to play the role of briefcase guy. My good friend Santiago. 

When I came up with the character of briefcase guy, I knew I needed to find another actor to play him as I would be playing the protagonist. The obvious answer would be to ask my friends. I asked my friend Alex first if he could do it but due to his busy course schedule, he said he likely wouldn't have the time. I asked my other friend Landon but he said he was busy that weekend. So that left Santiago.

I approached him last weekend and I asked him if he could help me with this production. Santiago is in CBTV 2 and is somewhat skilled in editing so he was surprised when I asked him if he could act. He asked questions about the role like dialogue and costume design. After telling him such details he told me he would think it over. And as of yesterday, he has agreed to play the role.

Sooooooo, there is a change of plans. Originally, I was going to film the scenes without briefcase guy first because I didn't know how long it would take to secure an actor. But now that I have an actor, I want to film scenes with his character first so if anything unexpected comes up, he won't have to cancel on me. We are scheduled to film his scenes tomorrow, March 11, at the office building after school. I look forward to the next blog where I will talk about how its like being on the set of my production.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Filming Schedule

Starting now, I will be filming for my project. This weekend I plan to film scenes that take place inside the protagonist's home. That's right! We are filming out of order. The home scenes are actually at the end of the opening. Since I haven't finalized an actor to play the briefcase guy in the elevator, I will be filming the scenes without him first. 

Since the scenes I plan to film first are to be done at home, I can film whenever I want. The scenes in the elevator and the office, however, will need to wait because I need to secure an actor, and a date and time for filming, so I'll keep you updated on that.

I'm rather excited to film the project. I might even be able to place a blooper reel. I plan to film all of the shots with an iPhone camera on a tripod and in handheld mode. I believe this project will come out even better than I imagined. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Storyboarding Finale

 Well, here it is. The end of my storyboard. 

Shots 31-36

Description: These shots show some of the briefcase's contents up close and place emphasis on the file folder.

Shot 37-42

Description: These shots show the protagonist talking with someone he can't see. This creates suspense as the voice seems to be the person who wanted the protagonist to have the briefcase.

I plan to begin filming next weekend so I hope you stay tuned.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Storyboarding Part 2

 Here is my second storyboarding post! This post covers everything from after the briefcase guy puts the briefcase down to when the protagonist opens the briefcase at his home.

Shots 19-24

Description: These shots continue the awkwardness of the elevator scene as well as explain how the protagonist gets his hands on the briefcase.

Shots 25-30

Description: These shots illustrate the protagonist's hesitance to open the briefcase but also show his surprise at what he finds in it.

Tomorrow, I will be making my final storyboard posting and I am looking forward to begin filming next week.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Storyboarding Part 1

This week, I will be posting about my storyboard for the film opening. The beginning of the project, up until the briefcase is placed on the floor, is shown below. Here we go!

Shots 1-6

Description: These shots establish the setting and the main character. 

Shots 7-12

Description: These shots give the audience more characteristics about the protagonist and set up the unusual situation in the elevator. It also establishes a focus on the briefcase.

Shots 13-18

Description: These shots show the confusion of the protagonist as to why the man with the briefcase is acting strangely.

Stay tuned for more of the storyboarding later this week!

It's Over

 Hello everyone. This is it. The final post. I'm very appreciative of everyone who has helped me along with this project. I cannot expre...