Thursday, March 10, 2022

Actor Contract Has Been Reached!

This is big. ALMOST THIS BIG. I have finally secured an actor to play the role of briefcase guy. My good friend Santiago. 

When I came up with the character of briefcase guy, I knew I needed to find another actor to play him as I would be playing the protagonist. The obvious answer would be to ask my friends. I asked my friend Alex first if he could do it but due to his busy course schedule, he said he likely wouldn't have the time. I asked my other friend Landon but he said he was busy that weekend. So that left Santiago.

I approached him last weekend and I asked him if he could help me with this production. Santiago is in CBTV 2 and is somewhat skilled in editing so he was surprised when I asked him if he could act. He asked questions about the role like dialogue and costume design. After telling him such details he told me he would think it over. And as of yesterday, he has agreed to play the role.

Sooooooo, there is a change of plans. Originally, I was going to film the scenes without briefcase guy first because I didn't know how long it would take to secure an actor. But now that I have an actor, I want to film scenes with his character first so if anything unexpected comes up, he won't have to cancel on me. We are scheduled to film his scenes tomorrow, March 11, at the office building after school. I look forward to the next blog where I will talk about how its like being on the set of my production.

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